Mastering Sleep & Schedules eBook
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The Master Routines & Schedules Ebook will take the guesswork out of:
- when to put your baby down for a nap
- pick an age-appropriate bedtime
- where to start when creating a schedule
- how to adjust your routine
- how to cut out a nap
- plan feeding times
- prepare for daylight savings time
- how to create a good rhythm to your day
- when to plan errands and activities so you don't disrupt your routine
You'll have the fundamentals for creating a great routine unique to your family always at your fingertips.
When children have a solid daytime routine and are able to rest their bodies at the right times, they actually sleep better at night and for longer stretches of time.
These are the strategies you need to get your child consistently napping and following an age-appropriate schedule.